Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Real Deal : Being Smart About Real Estate

It is said that the one thing that always appreciates and never depreciates is: land. Throughout history and even in Bollywood and Hollywood films, the main bone of contention has always been one: property. The whole notion of heredity and passing on of land from father to son (also in the modern day context, the daughter) has been a tradition that lives on. Property in India thus plays a major role as not only money, but also property and the lack of it can turn the world around.

Real Estate in India is one of the biggest businesses. People want to invest in property not only because it appreciates but also because it is something that they can call their very own. With the various numbers of projects in the Delhi/NCR region, one not only needs to find a home suitable to them but should also be smart enough to not fall into traps by scam artists posing as builders.

The India Real Estate market is a big and mighty business. But one may ask oneself, “How can I avoid such scams and still have the knowledge to buy a home in a good project?” the answer to which lies strictly at your fingertips. By the power of the World Wide Web or as we call it the internet, one can easily access site information, information on builders and much more. But for the real deal, it is widely suggested that you gather your information and head down to the actual project site to gauge the real hits and misses of a project. Talking to people on the construction sites may help you to gain valuable information that you may not be able to get via the online portals.


India property is growing more and more each day, and just as we try any apparel before we buy it or take our dream car out for a test drive before the down payment, property recon is an important part of the process. From the first booking amount till the possession, you need to be sure and certain of the deal you are getting. In some ways buying a house is like getting a tattoo, you need to be extremely sure of what you want. In case of tattoos you can now have them surgically removed, but the financial strain caused by property loss will be much more. Be smart before you start to invest.

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